Dean A. Roberts
entrepreneurship and self-management Guide
For a meaningful career & a better world

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What I Do
Three times
I have taken a good idea
And turned it into a multi million dollar business
I Coach.
I’ve learned a lot about self management and entrepreneurship maybe I can help you figure out what to do next
I Speak.
I share my story of how I started on my path and what I have learned along the way.
I Write.
I have written three books and blog on a regular basis.
Dean made me see that I am good at what I do, and I deserve to have the great business we have got.
~ Christine Walters
Since I have known Dean Roberts I’ve developed a much more gratitude-oriented outlook on life, and it has really paid off. I feel better about myself and others, and I do better work.
He’s also a champion at taking care of himself and helping others understand how to do that for themselves. There’s so much else that I could thank Dean for, and I’m glad I got to know him and become a friend.
~ Brian Foley
Dean’s insights inspire me. While observing the absurdity of much of our everyday circumstances he can be counted on to find the kernel of truth that brightens the day.
~ Neal Chamberlain
In the 45 years I’ve known Dean, I’ve see him evolve into someone who’s consistently exuberant about life without denying death. His sense of humor about his mortality always makes me feel more comfortable with my own, gently reminding me to enjoy my life rather than fearing its end. I’m not sure how Dean learned what he knows, but I’m glad he’s so willing to share it with me. It adds so much to my limited time on planet Earth.
~ John Javna